What if we told you there was a test that could save your life from suffering with chronic neuropathy pain? Living with chronic neuropathy pain can impact your day to day activities and significantly reduce your quality of life. What is neuropathy? Neuropathy is a nerve condition that affects around 20 million Americans. The term describes damage to the peripheral nerves, such as those in the hands and feet. The most common symptoms of neuropathy are tingling and burning sensations in those areas. The symptoms can be mild at first, but over time the sensations can become quite painful. Read on for more information about what is neuropathy and why testing can save your life from chronic pain.
What Are The Symptoms of Neuropathy
Neuropathy can affect any nerves, but is most commonly noticed in the extremities. Sensory neuropathy affects the hands, feet, legs and arms, leading to symptoms such as:
- Tingling and burning sensations
- Numbness
- Shooting sensations that may feel worse at night
- Loss of balance or coordination
- Inability to feel temperature changes (and therefore increased risk of burns or injury)
Sensory neuropathy is not the only type of neuropathy. Damage to other nerves may lead to erectile dysfunction, loss of bladder control, digestive issues, or an irregular heartbeat.
People who are experiencing neuropathy may find they’re more likely to suffer injuries. For example, they may burn themselves by touching something hot, or stand on something sharp and not notice. If they also have poor circulation these small injuries may not heal as quickly as they would in someone who does not have neuropathy. This increases the risk of infection.
Why Testing for Neuropathy Early Is Important
Neuropathy affects people from all walks of life but it’s particularly common among people with diabetes. It’s important that anyone who is showing early signs of neuropathy is tested for it. Early diagnosis of neuropathy can be beneficial, both in terms of slowing or stopping the progression of the condition, and because it provides the opportunity for neuropathy treatment that can control the pain. Certain treatments for neuropathy can reduce the presence of inflammation and improve circulation, thereby preventing further damage to the peripheral nervous system.
How is Neuropathy Treated?
Depending on the location and extent of the neuropathy, there are several treatment options. Diabetics are advised to monitor their blood sugar levels closely and keep them within normal ranges, because uncontrolled blood sugar can make neuropathy symptoms worse. Painkillers are also often used as a neuropathy treatment.
At Atlanta Medical Clinic, we offer specialized neuropathy treatments that can help reduce neuropathy symptoms and some of the complications associated with neuropathy. More than 40% of the people who try our diabetic infusion treatments for neuropathy are able to reduce the amount of medication they take, thereby reducing any side effects from the medication.
In addition to the infusion treatments, we also offer other non-invasive treatment options such as laser therapy that can improve circulation and offer a reduction in pain, burning and tingling sensations.
If you or someone close to you is living with neuropathy, contact Atlanta Medical Clinic today to book a free consultation with one of our neuropathy experts.
I am diabetic and am concerned about my legs I have red blotches and they itch
at nights at times, it burns and itches, do you feel I should have a neuropathy expert examine me.
Hi Phillippa! We’re sorry to hear that. You can call us at 404-872-8837 and schedule a consultation, so that we can review your specific situation and physical condition and help you understand how the treatment can help you individually. We work with most insurance plans, including Medicare.