Spinal Decompression Atlanta GaNo one wants to experience back pain. No one wants to experience a painful, time consuming surgery to treat their back pain either. People shouldn’t stress so much about the idea of receiving treatment for their back pain since there are several methods for alleviating the pain that require no surgery or injections at all. One such treatment is spinal decompression.

Spinal decompression, or more specifically non-surgical spinal decompression, is the reduction of intradiscal pressure by using a mechanical traction device that the client is strapped aboard. While strapped to the machine, forces are applied to the lumbar spine from various directions. This creates a suction effect that helps eliminate nerve compression while also helping bring water and nutrients into the disc. There is no pain, surgery or recovery time involved with spinal decompression.

When a person experiences back pain and other treatments (medicine, steroid shots, exercising, eating right) doesn’t help help alleviate the pain, they should really look into having spinal decompression. A person receiving spinal decompression treatments should stay committed to their treatment and make sure they follow all their doctors instructions to receive maximum pain relief.

Since there isn’t any painful surgery or recovery time involved with spinal decompression, there isn’t any reason a person should suffer from back pain without seeking treatment.