Pain Management

Once your inflammation is decreased, physical therapy techniques can help eliminate your pain and rehabilitate your muscle fibers. Atlanta Medical Clinic’s trigger point treatment uses a unique therapeutic approach and can help prevent future trigger point inflammation.
At Atlanta Medical Clinic we specialize in treating trigger point pain and any conditions that affect your joints and muscles.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are trigger point injections?
Trigger point injections are generally safe low-dose steroids and a local anesthetic. The steroid helps to decrease your inflammation and promote healing of your muscle tissues, while the anesthetic provides pain relief.
Where will the doctor inject the medicine?
The trigger points are usually described as knots in particular areas where many muscle bands meet. Our doctors will mark and target your trigger point muscle bands so the medicine is injected exactly where it is needed.
What is the purpose of the injection and how will it help my pain?
The intent of the injection is to provide pain relief and to help your muscles heal and relax. When your muscle relaxes, your blood flow to that muscle increases and washes out the painful toxic metabolites.
How is the injection performed?
Your physician will discover your trigger points and mark the locations. Your skin will be sterilized with alcohol and a small needle is utilized to inject the medicine to your trigger points. You will feel a tiny, sharp pinch when the needle hits your painful location. Then a local anesthetic and a safe low-dose steroid is injected and a bandage is placed.
How long will the procedure take?
The injection only takes a few minutes, but you will need to be observed after the injection until our medical staff provides you with check-out and after-care instructions.
Will I be “put under” for the injection?
No, you will not be “put under”. You will be given a local anesthetic or a pill given by mouth. The pill is sedating and will make the procedure easy to endure.
What should I expect after the injection?
Initially, the injection site will be sore and your pain can slightly increase until the medication takes effect. Complete pain relief and healing can take up to two weeks. The use of ice for the first 24 hours (in 20-30 min intervals) and heat after that can also help control your discomfort. We recommend that our patients take it easy for a day or two after the procedure. Perform normal daily activities as tolerated.
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