Are you hiding your legs due to varicose veins? The appearance of these bulging, purple veins can quickly put a damper on your summer. Not to mention, they’re more than just a cosmetic issue; varicose veins are linked to problems such as pain, swelling and clots.

At our vein clinic in Atlanta, we understand the frustration that comes with varicose veins. That’s why we offer minimally invasive, high-quality treatments designed to reduce their effects and help you make the most of your summer. Let’s take a closer look at what varicose veins are and the benefits of spider vein removal.

What Are Varicose Veins?

Did you know that 20% of adults will experience varicose veins at least once in their lives? Varicose veins develop when your valves become damaged or weak, causing blood to collect in the veins instead of flowing to the heart. This causes an enlarged appearance, as well as that distinctive, purple color. While anyone can experience varicose veins, you’re more at risk if you meet the following factors:

  • You have a family history of varicose veins
  • You’re over the age of 50
  • You’re pregnant
  • You have a sedentary lifestyle
  • You spend lots of time sitting or standing

No matter what causes varicose veins, the result is discomfort, pain and decreased confidence.

How Varicose Veins Can Impact Your Summer Activities

The cosmetic effects of spider veins, as well as the associated pain and swelling, are difficult to deal with all year round. However, they’re especially impactful during the summer. For starters, people with varicose veins may feel self-conscious about wearing shorts, swimsuits or any outfits that display their legs. This makes it difficult to engage in many common summer activities, such as swimming and hiking.

In addition to affecting self-confidence, varicose veins can cause physical symptoms that worsen during the summer. Warm weather may make veins dilate, which increases blood volume levels and causes discomfort and swelling. As a result, physical activities become more challenging. So, if you’re someone who likes to spend their summers outdoors, varicose veins are sure to disrupt your plans.

Effective Treatment Options for Varicose Veins in Atlanta

Are varicose veins ruining your summer fun? Maybe you don’t feel comfortable wearing your summer clothes with large, purple veins. Or perhaps the pain and swelling has made it impossible to participate in your regular activities. Whatever the issue is, our vein specialists in Atlanta are here to help. Here are our top spider vein removal treatments:

  • Radiofrequency ablation (RFA): This treatment harnesses the power of RF energy to treat damaged vein walls. The heat causes the weakened vein to collapse and seal shut, which allows healthy veins to take over and redirect blood flow.
  • ClariVein OC: ClariVein OC uses a thin catheter to deliver medication to diseased veins. Once the medication is inside the system, it shuts down damaged veins and restores blood flow.
  • Sclerotherapy: In this procedure, a liquid solution is injected into the veins. It irritates the vein lining, making it stick together and disappear.

To determine which procedure is right for you, our team will perform a thorough evaluation that considers your medical history and symptoms. Then, we’ll create a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Spider Vein Removal in Atlanta: Reclaim Your Confidence This Summer

Imagine a summer spent without worrying about varicose veins. A summer where you can splash in the pool, take long walks or simply lounge outside without feeling self-conscious about your legs. At Atlanta Medical Clinic, we make this dream a reality through high-quality, personalized vein treatments. Ready to say goodbye to painful, swollen spider veins? Schedule your appointment today!