Why Seniors Do Not Eat Enough

Although nutrition deficiencies were readily apparent, almost 4 out of every 5 malnourished seniors had never received a malnutrition diagnosis, reports a study that appeared in Annals of Emergency Medicine in August 2014. Doctors neglecting nutrition warning signs...

The Benefits of Grapefruit

Natural food stores and best-selling authors point those interested in weight loss to the “superfruit,” a marketing term first used in 2005. Although superfruit is a loose term without an official scientific designation, it typically refers to exotic produce such as...

Back Pain & the Weather: Is There a Link?

It is common to believe that there is a connection between weather patterns and pain. However, according to coverage by Medical News Today, a study published in July found that changes in the weather have no significant impact on lower back pain (LBP). The only...

Dementia & Vitamin D Deficiency Connection

In a study with far-reaching ramifications for senior citizens, a research team has found a strong correlation between vitamin D deficiency and the likelihood of dementia. The study determined that people in the older age bracket who are not getting a sufficient...